Webinars 2023

Webinar – X

Webinar Topic: Coming Soon........

Date: October 26, 2023 (Friday)

Time: Time 03:00 to 04:05 p.m. (IST)

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/ZE1gHZzTEwM8UViZ8

Speaker Name: Dr. Jan H.G. Klabbers,
Founder & Managing Director, KMPC, Netherlands



Webinar – IX

Webinar Topic: Leveling Up Learning: Harnessing Simulations and Games for Engaging Education and Effective Training

Date: September 23, 2023 (Saturday)

Time: Time 12:00 to 01:05 p.m. (IST)

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/JGqyfMmTzXxmERdv7

Speaker Name: Dr. Ramesh Chander Sharma,
Associate Professor, School of Global Affairs and Director, Human Resource Development Centre, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Delhi

Profile: He is a Research Fellow at INTI International University, Malaysia and International Visiting Professor at The Polytechnic University of The Philippines, Republic of the Philippines.
Earlier he has taught Educational Technology and Learning Resources at Wawasan Open University, Malaysia. He is an expert in open and distance and technology mediated learning and has served as a visiting Professor at Universidade do Estado da Bahia, UNEB, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, visiting Professor at University of Fiji, Fiji, Commonwealth of Learning as Director of the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, New Delhi, Regional Director of Indira Gandhi National Open University, India and Director of Distance Education at University of Guyana, Guyana, South America.

Abstract: This presentation discusses the transformative potential of simulations and games in education and business. Join us to explore these immersive tools' design intricacies, pedagogical impact, and assessment benefits. Experience real-world case studies showcasing their success in medical training and corporate leadership. Embrace the evolving landscape of virtual reality, augmented reality, and AI-driven experiences, and learn how to elevate engagement, effectiveness, and achievement assessment. Faculty members are invited to discover a new dimension of impactful teaching and training. Through dynamic examples and insights, you'll uncover how simulations and games captivate learners, promote active participation, and foster skill mastery. Be part of this engaging session to shape the future of learning and training.

Webinar – VIII

Webinar Topic: Endogenous Design of Educational Games

Date: August 22, 2023 (Tuesday)

Time: Time 12:00 to 01:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/lJQ_bS6hUec?feature=share

Speaker Name: Dr. Sandeep Athavale,
Chief Mentor, iON GameLab and Principal Scientist, TCS Research, Tata Consultancy Services, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Profile: Sandeep leads the Purposeful Games lab at TCS Research. His work focuses on the study and application of games for teaching-learning in academic, corporate, and societal contexts. He has also worked on the design of games and playful activities for enhancing user experience in the domain of healthcare. He has a Ph.D. in Educational Game Design from Design School IIT Bombay (2020). His Ph.D. work on endogenous design brings distinctiveness to the education solutions offered by the TCS.
Sandeep is a Chief Mentor for Educational Game Marketplace Program at TCS. He is also on advisory panel of the INAE-SERB Digital Games Initiative (Department of Science and Tech, GOI). He has been a visiting faculty at NID Bangalore and IDC IIT Bombay for a Master’s course in Game Design. He has been a panelist at NASSCOM Game Conference and India Game Development Conference in the field of serious games. He was an advisor to professional bodies such as PMI India on games and has conducted faculty development programs through AICTE and IEEE. Sandeep has several publications and a few patents in his name.
He has a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering (1992) and a Master’s in Business Administration (1995), both from Pune University, and has several years of experience in the IT industry prior to starting research in 2011.

Abstract: Educational games are expected to harness the fascination of games to deliver learning in an interesting way. However educational games are yet to realize the promise of engaging the learners effectively. The commonplace technique of superimposing unrelated gameplay over the educational content (called exogenous design) creates incoherence between the act of learning and playing, rendering such games ineffective.
However, games with ‘endogenous’ design have the potential to deliver learning through the mere act of playing. In endogenous design, game elements are derived from ‘within’ the educational content. This leads to the creation of unique, novel, and pertinent gameplay for every learning topic. Designing such games, however, is challenging.
This talk will bring forth the pitfalls of exogenous design and introduce and describe the approach for endogenous design with real-world examples. This approach can be extended to designing applied games in various other contexts.

Webinar – VII

Webinar Topic: Shedding Light on the Black Box of Learning in Simulation Games

Date: July 21, 2023 (Friday)

Time: Time 03:00 to 04:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/OFL4sZEFROI?feature=share

Speaker Name: Ms. Marieke de Wijse,
Researcher, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Profile: Marieke de Wijse-Van Heeswijk is PhD researcher at Nijmegen school of Management (Radboud University, the Netherlands). Marieke studies the effects of interventions in and around game simulations on learning/change with participants. Marieke is a member of the ISAGA board (from 2004-2008 and 2021 until now) and community (since 2004) and member of the Dutch ISAGA branch Saganet (since 2004) and NASAGA (since 2020). Marieke was guest editor for the special issue facilitation of simulation games in the Game and Simulation Journal. Marieke was a change and learning consultant and game designer/facilitator for GITP International from 2004 until 2015. From 2015 she started her research on the effects of different facilitation approaches in various types of simulation games. Marieke uses both Qualitative, quantitative and action research methodology and is used to a multidisciplinary research approach taking in perspectives from sociology, organizational sciences, public administration and philosophy.

Abstract: In this webinar I will show examples on how you can open the black box of learning in SG`s. SG show the potential to engage and motivate learners via agency by following their own learning paths and receive personalized feedback. The potential downside is that we don’t know what players will learn because we do not now ahead what path they will take. However, there numerous learning interventions and evaluation methods available to us that open the black box. Evaluative methods and formative assessment techniques can provide both learners and facilitators with handholds on what is being learned and bring focus to the goals of the game turning the black box into a clear learning path.

Webinar – VI

Webinar Topic: Experiential Learning from Simulations and Games

Date: June 26, 2023 (Monday)

Time: Time 03:00 p.m. (IST)

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84iTuYcB7J4

Speaker Name: Dr. Vinod Dumblekar,
Founder and Director MANTIS, New Delhi, India

Profile: Vinod Dumblekar is the founder of MANTIS which has created and conducted simulation-based games and learning experiences since 2003 in business operations, business strategy, corporate strategy, marketing and brand management, entrepreneurship and project management, for managers and post-graduate management students. His interests are in arithmetic and empirical research, learning behaviour, applied psychology and quantum physics.

Abstract: The presentation will begin with simple definitions of simulations, games, experience and learning with appropriate examples. Conceptual models in learning (Bloom) and experiential learning (Kolb) will be the foundation of the topic. The speaker would explain some learning themes such as competitiveness, self-efficacy and satisfaction that were outcomes of personal empirical games research. He may play 1-2 games and refer to many others to clarify how games produce learning. He would discuss some elements that produce learning in some games. Finally, he would refer to related topics in games and learning for the benefit of students, teachers, trainers and researchers.

Webinar – V

Webinar Topic: Games and Simulations as “Flight Simulators” of Good Cooperation in Teams and Organizations

Date: May 24, 2023 (Wednesday)

Time: Time 03:00 p.m. (IST)

YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/AFN-Srms4Ks?feature=share

Speaker Name: Jagoda Gandziarowska Ziolecka,
Chief Learning Designer, Laboratory of Training Games, Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland

Profile: Sociologist, Learning designer and organizational consultant and co-owner in a group of companies using games and simulations for team building and leadership development.
(www.assimilate.eu, www.pracowniagier.com ; www.gamechangersacademy.com www.experiencecorner.com )
Academic lecturer using games in a course on Social Relationship Management for managers and leaders at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Poland. Loves to apply games to make people and teams aware of their talents and potential according to the Cliftonstrengths approach of the Gallup Institute.

Abstract: In the new world of remote and hybrid working it can be a challenge to keep teams in organizations connected and to help them fully understand new information, goals and strategies. Our passion is to help teams navigate those challenges through dynamic conversations inspired by the fun of simulation games. Our story began 15 years ago with our passion to support business and non-profit teams by providing a fun and engaging way to learn and grow together. I invite you to learn this story to see the power of games.

Webinar – IV

Webinar Topic: Driving leadership lessons via a Virtual Everest Climb Simulation - The game design elements to make it happen

Date: April 24, 2023 (Monday)

Time: 3:00 to 4:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/UHjNS-jszLA?feature=share

Speaker Name: Ms. Himani Chandorkar,
Co founder - Acumen 360 and Etude360

Profile: A seasoned L&D professional with 19 years of experience she is the Co-founder, Acumen360, which has positively impacted hundreds of companies & 50,000+ individuals across industries and countries through it’s learning & development solutions. She is also co-founder, Etude360, rated in the TOP 20 ventures incubated with IIM Bangalore - NSRCEL 2021 for innovative & impactful experiential learning simulations. Certified in NLP as well as certified in TA from ITAA (International Transactional Analysis Association), her passion to make learning interventions deliver on outcomes has earned her & her company awards and accolades. She has also been invited multiple times to present at International Learning & Gamification Conferences. An avid adventurer and blogger, she is also co-authoring a book on small business management.

Abstract:Everest is a trainer without parallels, even when you experience it through a simulation! MISSION EVEREST a simulation to build high performance teams is thus the next best substitute to actually climbing up the deadly 29000 feet without risking your lives! Everest serves as a universal metaphor for challenging & aspirational goals in life. Whether climbing the Mt. Everest or the metaphorical Everests at work and in life, its vital not just to focus on the summit but focus on summiting with a healthy team. A message that gets clearly experienced during the simulation through various challenges that the team tackles. A simulation experienced by thousands of participants from companies across the globe - this webinar will give a glimpse of how it works.

Webinar – III

Webinar Topic: “Why is Change Difficult and How can Serious Gaming Help"

Date: March 24, 2023 (Friday)

Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkXa8OCV8Eo

Speaker Name: Dr. Ivo Wenzler
Professor Emeritus of Serious Gaming at the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands

Profile: Dr. Ivo Wenzler is Professor Emeritus of Serious Gaming at the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, where he was conducting innovative research into the design, implementation, and value contribution of serious gaming. Prior to the appointment at NHL Stenden, he had a 23-year career as a Senior Principal at Accenture Strategy and he held the position of the Associate Professor at the Delft University of Technology. Throughout his consulting and academic career, he has been focusing on development and implementation of change management, business modelling, workforce planning, and simulation and serious gaming approaches aimed at helping his clients deal with their transformation challenges. He often presents at international conferences and has published in the field of serious gaming, change management, and simulation-based modelling.

Abstract: Performance improvements can only be achieved by proactively managing the change process. However, getting to and benefiting from transformational change is often not easy. The change journey presents a variety of structural, behavioral, individual and systemic challenges inherent in the very nature of transformational change. Serious games are an effective and efficient approach to addressing these challenges of change and should be an essential element of any change program. The presentation will outline in detail what are the main challenges for successful change and provide examples of different serious games which successfully addressed these challenges.

Webinar – II

Webinar Topic: “Local Knowledge Extraction Games for Resilience"

Date: February 27, 2023 (Monday)

Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube Link: Will be Available Soon....

Speaker Name: Dr. Yusuke Toyoda
Professor, Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage Research and Development Institute of Regional Information, Japan

Profile: Yusuke Toyoda, PhD, is an Associate Professor of the College of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University. He is also a member of Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage AND Research and Development Institute of Regional Information, both with Ritsumeikan University. He utilizes S&G for study and practice on community-based disaster management and disaster education.

Abstract: In the time of increasing risks and effects of climate change, importance of local knowledge to tackle natural hazards is getting more attention to integrate with scientific knowledge and learning as lessons for other areas. After laying out challenges of climate change, this webinar talk discusses the gamification mechanism and game approach contributing to enhancing knowledge sharing motivation. And it introduces games incorporating the gamification mechanism and game approach for extracting local knowledge on flood management. To verify the effectiveness of the game, focus group discussion was compared based on three knowledge extraction indicators. The talk ends with implications and limitations of the game.

Webinar – I

Webinar Topic: “Designing Rapid Facilitation Games and Activities"

Date: January 28, 2023 (Saturday)

Time: 03:00 – 04:00 p.m. (IST)

YouTube link: https://youtube.com/live/6NADb8qPes4?feature=share

Speaker Name: Mr. Jegatheeswaran Manoharan
Thought Catalyst, Team Effectiveness Consultant, Business Simulation Designer, Board Member of NASAGA, Selangor, Malaysia

Profile: Jegatheeswaran Manoharan is a team leadership specialist, international speaker and a game & simulation developer. He is active advocate in the use of game based learning for corporate training. He has developed several learning games and simulations for adult learning. His highly interactive games have been used for team effectiveness, customer experience, culture transformation and leadership trainings. He runs a training organization in Malaysia that concentrates on game design to solve organizational issues. Jega is a former Executive Board Member of the North American Simulation & Gaming Association (NASAGA). He has been invited to share his ideas on application of games and simulation at NASAGA Conference in the US, ISAGA Conference in Thailand and India (virtually); and at the inaugural MASAGA Conference in Malaysia.

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the way we learn and access knowledge. As AI continues to fill the knowledge landscape, the traditional classroom model of "downloading" information is becoming less effective. Instead, classrooms must become a place of discourse, where students can actively engage with the material and engage in critical thinking. One way to achieve this is through the use of facilitation games and activities that inject fun into learning and provide alternative channels for expression. This talk will explore various activities that can be used to facilitate discussion and uncover learning in the classroom. These activities can range from interactive simulations and problem-solving exercises to debates and discussions, and they will be designed to allow students to explore new ideas, question assumptions, and express their own perspectives. Through the use of these activities, it is hoped that students will be in a better place to transform knowledge into practical skill.