Webinars 2022

Webinar – XIII

Webinar Topic: “Game Design and Facilitation: The Mutual Connection"

Date: December 03, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 01:30 - 02:35 p.m. (IST)

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/A21f9bF-L8k

Speaker Name: Mr. Herman van der Bij

Profile: Herman van der Bij is game designer and concept developer at Imagine Management Games. He has over 35 years experience in education, consultancy and business gaming. He has initiated and developed many business simulations, which have been attended by more than 100,000 people.
Herman has a Master’s in Mathematics and Information Sciences from the University of Groningen as well as a Master’s in Change Management from SIOO. He worked as university lecturer, program advisor and management consultant, before he founded Imagine Management Games in 1994.

Speaker Name: Mr. Maarten Versteegh

Profile: Maarten is a Master Trainer at Farelli TCCM. He grew up in a small village in the Centre of Holland. He attended the University of Leiden where he studied History. For a number of years he worked in local government rising through the various management positions where he eventually became a self employed interim manager.
In 1994, he teamed up with his business partner Herman van der Bij to start their simulation-game company. He turned out to be a natural simulation facilitator. Keen on having his participants learn about things like communicating, working together and ensuring they have fun!
Maarten has run hundreds of Simulations all over the world. And, over the years he has trained many others to be Simulation facilitators.

Speaker Name: Ms. Marijne Vos

Profile: "The work of Marijne Vos was best summarized by her son Tom: ‘Mama creates games for adults, because work can be so much more joyful’. She is an organizational advisor and facilitator, and has experience in change management, appreciative inquiry, business model canvas, design thinking. She combines her experience to create playful working methods.
Marijne is co-author of The serious book of play (het Grote Fröbelboek for adviseurs) in the Netherlands. This book describes How to create playfulness in organizations.

Abstract: This presentation is about game simulations. By game simulations, we mean deliberately created learning environments in which we imitate the daily reality of a business process. An essential feature of game simulations is that players' decisions matter.
We distinguish between the game as a thing and the game in use. If you talk about the game as a thing, then the target audience, the story, the duration, the number of players, the roles, and the gameplay, are topics of discussion.
But with a game in use, other issues come into play: relevance, psychological safety, the personality of the game leader, adaptability to group size, and group dynamics.
Design and use are not separate but influence each other. In this presentation, we will explain how to set up the design and use in such a way that you obtain a stable prototype in 3 test sessions and a sound finished product in 5 to 10 sessions.

Webinar – XII

Webinar Topic: “Serious games design knowledge"

Date: November 05, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/pVq3fvbt6_c

Speaker Name: Per Backlund, Professor of Informatics, University of SKOVDE

Abstract: Serious games is an effort to combine the engagement and motivation from games with some sort of utility beyond mere entertainment. In this talk Per Backlund will revisit and analyze a set of SG development projects to explore the design space for serious games and derive design guidelines for serious games. By analyzing these projects as well as their outcomes a set of design principles for serious games can be generated to conceptualize of the design space for serious games. One main contribution is to explicate the game design component in serious games and relate it to the utility dimension. Doing so, adds to the understanding of serious games from a game perspective, which is relevant to any development effort intending to use the persuasive and motivational power of games. The talk will offer several examples and experiences from practical serious games development.

Profile: Per Backlund (https://www.his.se/en/about-us/staff/per.backlund/) is a professor of informatics at University of Skövde in Sweden. He has been active in the serious games community since 2005. His primary interest is in the development and application of serious games in various domains, such as: education, vocational training, traffic education and rehabilitation. Per Backlund is also co-founder, in 2008, of the Serious Games Master Program at University of Skövde.

Webinar – XI

Webinar Topic: “Facilitator in Simulation and Gaming---an Example of Project Management Game"

Date: October 14, 2022 (Friday)

Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/1B4C3nKkp-Y

Speaker Name: Prof. Mieko Nakamura, Professor of psychology, Ryutsu Keizai University, JAPAN

Abstract: In simulation and gaming (S&G), participants are often expected to have a serious discussion within a team, and it is difficult sometimes. First, there are many distractions physically and mentally. Second, participants need to be motivated to go in the right direction. Facilitator’s job is to reduce difficulties as much as possible and encourage participants to engage in a serious discussion. Facilitator should do one’s best to make the physical and mental environment suitable to the participants and search for a better way to encourage participants in the S&G. I will talk about what facilitators are supposed to do in S&G.

Profile: Professor of psychology, Ryutsu Keizai University, JAPAN, Nakamura, M. (2022) Code of conduct for facilitators and the ethics of debriefing. In Kikkawa, T., Kriz, W., & Sugiura, J. (eds.) Gaming as a Cultural Commons: Risks, Challenges, and Opportunities, Springer Nature: Singapore.

Webinar – X

Webinar Topic: “Gaming for Energy and Sustainability; How to Share Perspectives of the World?"

Date: September 24, 2022 (Friday)

Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/qpco5qVlRnQ

Speaker Name: Dr. Kengo Suzuki, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan

Abstract:This lecture consists of four contents below. First, the role of gaming in the field of energy system education is discussed based on practices in the University of Tsukuba. Second, the unique value of gaming as a social simulation is identified through a comparative review with other multi-agent methods. Third, the results of experimental study focusing on the energy transition in the competitive market is reported as an example of gaming as a social simulation adopting retroductive methodology. Finally, the future direction of S&G studies for energy and sustainability issues are suggested through the introduction of current projects by the speaker.

Profile: Kengo SUZUKI; Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Division of Engineering Mechanics and Energy, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba. He has experienced survey and analysis of Japanese and world energy economics in the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ), studies in fuel cells and local energy systems in the Hokkaido University. His current work in the University of Tsukuba is interdisciplinary energy system modeling and energy education by applying the simulation and gaming.

Webinar – IX

Webinar Topic: Designing Interactive Game-based Learning through the lens of Cognitive Load

Date: August 27, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/TfZ9R7Z_NMc

Speaker Name: Dr. Ramesh Chander Sharma, Director of Human Resource Development Centre and a faculty for Instructional Design, Dr B R Ambedkar University Delhi, India

Abstract: The game based learning (GBL) is experiencing a rise on two fronts: its increasing adoption in educational teaching and learning transactions and emergence of new market players to the extent that the GBL market valued at 11 billion USD in 2021 is poised to grow to USD 55 billion by 2030 (with a CAGR of 21 %). Education sector, governments, enterprises and consumers are creating and adopting these for learning enhancement, competency building and source of revenue. GBL has demonstrated its pedagogical potential and impact on learning performance. Cognitive load theory has an important bearing on the learning performances and guides the learning designers on designing effective learning scenarios and constructs. This presentation discusses the implications of cognitive load on the designing of game-based learning interactions.

Profile: Dr Ramesh Sharma is Director of Human Resource Development Centre and a faculty for Instructional Design and Chairperson of the Committee to facilitate adoption of MOOCs for SWAYAM MOOCs platform of the Govt of India, at Dr B R Ambedkar University Delhi.
Earlier he has taught Educational Technology and Learning Resources at Wawasan Open University, Malaysia. He is an expert in open and distance and technology mediated learning and has served as a visiting Professor at Universidade do Estado da Bahia, UNEB, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, visiting Professor at University of Fiji, Fiji, Commonwealth of Learning as Director of the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, New Delhi, Regional Director of Indira Gandhi National Open University, India and Director of Distance Education at University of Guyana, Guyana, South America.
He has been a member of Advisory Group on Human Resources Development for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). While at University of Guyana he also collaborated with UNDP for its Enhanced Public Trust, Security and Inclusion (EPTSI) project, Volunteer Service Overseas (VSO) and United Nations Volunteer (UNV) to develop suitable educational opportunities for communities and youth.
He is the Editor of Asian Journal of Distance Education (launched in 2003) and has been associated with several other peer reviewed journals including SSCI / SCOPUS Journals as Reviewer, Editor and Editorial Advisory Board member in the field of Open and Distance Learning. An author/editor of several books and research papers on educational technology, educational multimedia and eLearning, Dr. Sharma is a practitioner promoting Open Educational Resources (OER). He has been a trainer and capacity builder in the field of educational technology, and has supervised doctoral research in the field. He has conducted workshops and evaluation activities for Indira Gandhi National Open University; Commonwealth of Learning, Canada; Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, New Delhi; United Nations Conference on Trade and Commerce (UNCTAD), Geneva; and Aga Khan Foundation, amongst others.

Webinar – VIII

Webinar Topic: “Subtle Manipulation in Games"

Date: July 29, 2022 (Friday)

Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/aJ7Eixm1Mvg

Speaker Name:Dr. Toshiko Kikkawa

Abstract: I discuss the issue of manipulation. First, I introduce several cases involving ethical issues, which are common in gaming due to their importance and/or playability. Second, I discuss the relationship between ethics and fidelity and the reasons why we cannot easily give up ethically problematic games. Third, the issue of intentional manipulation is explored, as we must recognize the darker side of game use for propaganda purposes. Fourth, subtle types of manipulation are discussed. Finally, I note changing attitudes on the part of the game industry and an increased awareness of ethical issues in game design.

Profile:Toshiko Kikkawa (PhD, Kyoto University) is a professor at Keio University, Japan. She is a social psychologist and specializes in risk communication and Simulation and Gaming. She has been a vice-chair of Japanese Association of Simulation and Gaming (JASAG) since 2015. She was Executive Board member of International Simulation and Gaming Association (ISAGA) from 2012 to 2016. Since 2010, she has been a co-editor in chief of The Jounal “Simulation & Gaming” since 2021.

Webinar – VII

Webinar Topic: “Unravelling the Complexity of Decision-Making Processes by Using Game Concepts to Support Game Design"

Date: June 24, 2022 (Friday)

Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6UWfIZ3SyM

Speaker Name: Dr. Femke Bekius, Assistant professor, Department of Methodology, Business Administration, Radboud University, the Netherlands

Abstract: Game theory and gaming simulations are two terms used to describe two seemingly unrelated fields. However, both game theory and gaming simulations aim to describe and interpreted the behavior of actors in complex systems. The two fields could benefit from one another and thereby (potentially) increase their effectiveness in supporting decision-making. In this talk, I will explain how game theory and gaming simulation can be combined and can be used in participatory interventions with stakeholders to support decision-making.

Profile: Dr. Femke Bekius is an assistant professor in the Department of Methodology, Business Administration, at Radboud University, the Netherlands. Her research focusses on understanding and supporting complex decision-making by using participatory methods. These include game theory, gaming simulation, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and Group Model Building. Particularly, she is interested in the application of these methods to assist decision makers in (public) organizations. The domains of application vary from mobility, health care and safety and security to European Union decision-making. The interdisciplinary nature in the form of bridging between formal theories and methods and applications in real-world situation is what drives her research.

Webinar – VI

Webinar Topic: “The relationship between play and the academic world."

Date: May 13, 2022 (Friday)

Time: 11:00 – 12:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/8qJ1h2Zmzpo

Speaker Name: Mr. Hans Luyckx, Director at IJsfontein, The Netherlands,

Abstract: The Dutch serious game industry has approx 300 companies and that is no coincidence. Dutch culture is playful; Erasmus and Huizinga were the first academics focusing on game, play and playfulness. The Netherlands has an excellent academic/educational infrastructure "producing" around 2000 game designers/developers per year. Every year game developers like IJsfontein are asked to take part in an Dutch and or European academic consortium and IJsfontein employees even co-writes academic research papers. Researchers need evidence that games work. In order to make a substantial contribution in such a consortium IJsfontein developed an evidence based game design methodology, resulting in 24 academics gaining their PHD researching the games we developed.

Profile: After a long corporate career Hans on-boarded IJsfontein, a company specialized in Playful Learning, in 2012 as Operations Director. Hans studied economics and informatics at the University of Amsterdam and wrote his masters theses about the Economic Implications of the Arts in Amsterdam. Already as a junior programmer at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines he has been interested in the way companies develop innovative products. Both at Targus (computer hardware supplier) and at UPC (telecommunications) he has worked on the cutting edge of technology and its application. At IJsfontein the focus has been first at the internal company culture of creativity and innovation, the right people and the right (agile) procedures. The motto is: Culture eats strategy for breakfast Later he moved his attention to business development, sales and he developed an ecosystem of partnerships for IJsfontein. Hans has been active as board member in the Dutch Game Association and the Federation of Creative Industries.

Webinar – V

Webinar Topic: “Facilitation Techniques to Enhance Learning Effects"

Date: April 23, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 03:00 p.m. - 04:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/Im1fKAdaf80

Speaker Name: Ms. Marieke de Wijse, Researcher, Radboud University, Nijmegen,

Abstract: “Facilitation techniques to enhance learning effects” With this presentation I take you along best practices on introduction, time out reflection and debriefing didactics that enhance learning taken from many years of in depth case study (international) and mixed method research. I share with you the latest study findings in this area that have much practical relevance for enhancing learning effects in simulation game whether analogue or digital. By making use of a didactically sound and logical introduction, reflection and debriefing learners are in charge of their own learning and this directly affects their motivation, immersion and learning effects. Many ISAGAns and NASAGAns helped me in this quest on how to optimize learning in simulation games in the past ten years and its time I bring back the results to you so we can all benefit in many ways from these new insights. Naturally all simulation games take place in an influential context therefore any didactical design needs to be embedded in the specific situation. The insights I bring on a meta level are customizable to specific learning and cultural needs of participants.

Profile: Marieke de Wijse-Van Heeswijk is PhD researcher at Nijmegen school of Management (Radboud University, the Netherlands, promotors Prof. Etienne Rouwette and Prof. Sander Meijerink). Marieke studies the effects of interventions in and around game simulations on learning/change with participants. Marieke is a member ISAGA board (from 2004-2008 and 2021 until now) and community (since 2004) and member of the Dutch ISAGA branch Saganet (since 2004) and NASAGA (since 2020). Marieke was guest editor for the special issue facilitation of simulation games in the Game and Simulation Journal. Marieke was a change and learning consultant and game designer/facilitator for GITP International from 2004 until 2015. From 2015 she started her research on the effects of different facilitation approaches in various types of simulation games. Marieke uses both Qualitative, quantitative and action research methodology and is used to a multidisciplinary research approach taking in perspectives from sociology, organizational sciences, public administration and philosophy.

Webinar – IV

Webinar Topic: “Talk, Play and Listen! Co-Design Practices of Simulation Games"

Date: March 25, 2022 (Friday)

Time: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.(IST)

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/8jOBxEfLesQ

Speaker Name: Dr. Heide Lukosch, Head of Applied Immersive Gaming Initiative (AIGI) Chair of ISAGA

Profile: Heide Lukosch is an Associate Professor at the Human Interface Technology Lab New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ), at the University of Canterbury. She is leading the government funded Applied Immersive Gaming Initiative (AIGI), and is chair of the ISAGA EB. With her research, Heide aims to understand how applied immersive games , games that have a specific purpose such as training, learning, and decision-making, using technologies as virtual or augmented reality, have to be designed and used in order to achieve the intended effect. Heide investigates how realistic in terms of representation, social interaction, and experience these games have to be. She applies games to domains such as education, logistics, safety and security, and disaster management. Heide works together with local and international academics, as well as with organizations and game developers to answer her research questions, and to support organizations with game-based solutions on the interplay with the games industries.

Webinar – III

Webinar Topic: Acts of citizenship for civic spaces: the role of Urban Gaming Simulation

Date: February 25, 2022 (Friday)

Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePxRub4VwxA

Speaker Name: Dr. Paola Rizzi, Professor of Techniques of Urban and Regional Planning at University of Sassari, Italy

Abstract:The urban public space is the collective space and it is the one where the sense of belonging or rather citizenship is built. It is also the space where urban planning and design create the conditions for this to be to a greater or lesser extent possible. This awareness has given more space to participation in projects at different scales of planning. In this context the UGS has had and is getting back an important role. It is useful to recall how there are two important points of view in UGS: that of the player/user and that of the planner. This in turn refers to the role assumed by the final decision-maker, who is often also the client. The contribution will emphasize how these different points of view can simultaneously direct and orient both the physical and the social and economic definition of urban areas.

Profile:Paola Rizzi graduated in Urban Planning at the IUAV in Venice, is professor of Urban Planning Techniques at the University of Sassari and is visiting researcher of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cutlural Heritage of Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto. His research focuses on the themes of participatory planning, planning of cities and fragile territories, planning for risk reduction and disaster mitigation, with particular attention to gender issues. He deals with innovative techniques and tools including urban playosimulation. He founded the research and teaching laboratory Diver s City in 2006 and is a member of several international organizations. she has been Visiting Professor in several countries including: Japan, Thailand, Poland, Romania, Austria, USA.

Webinar – II

Webinar Topic: Educating through Non-interference and No-words

Date: January 29, 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw2rm3KPMHE

Speaker Name:Dr. Elyssebeth Leigh, Life Member - ISAGA Sydney, Australia

Abstract: This 2022 webinar for the series “PRATITI…becoming aware” for COES&G at SVVV will report on developments raised by issues in our 2021 webinar which asked the question If simulation is so useful why isn’t there more of it in use? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rkz87yFoWI) Two questions of concern to educators considering simulations and games for learning are a) how am I supposed to manage a learning process when I am not in control? and b) why would such an approach be better than one which supports me to be in charge?
In this webinar we focus on how to understand and manage shifts in the exercise of power, authority and control that occur in learning contexts once it is decided to use simulations and games for learning. Conventional educational practices assume that educators have the sole prerogative of authority and control in learning contexts. However, simulations and games give learners the opportunity to take charge of the action, thereby unsettling familiar assumptions, creating uncertainty and unpredictability. This can be a real and anxiety-generating problem for educators more familiar with orderly learning contexts.
Managing a learning process through the transition from being ‘in control’ to being an observer and bystander requires thoughtful attention to both the learners’ and one’s own capabilities and emotional states. Doing so provides everyone involved with conditions that are active, engaging and emergent, all of which have great potential for transformative learning. Getting there is a journey through fun, stressful, challenging and exuberant times. Education and learning become an adventure with risks and rewards built on playfulness and exploration. Webinar participants will play with some of these ideas as we explore the kinds of learning that can emerge from Non-interference and No-words.

Profile: Sebastiaan Meijer is full professor of Health Care Logistics at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. He is specialised in simulation, gaming and other participatory methods to capture real-world complexity in innovation processes. His interests are in theory of design of complex adaptive systems and the backbones of society. Working mostly on health care, health prevention and promotion systems, but equally interested in other large-scale questions. He is currently serving as head of department for Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems (MTH), and vice dean for the school of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH).

Webinar – I

Webinar Topic: Understanding Where To Go: Gaming as a Method To Innovate Between Organisations And Systems

Date: December 17, 2021 (Friday)

Time: 03:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)

YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2dn1U5NGv0

Speaker Name: Prof. Sebastiaan Meijer, Professor, Vice Dean, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Abstract: The design of the future society from the perspective of sustainability is more urgent than ever. However, it is notoriously difficult to bring together the different perspectives of stakeholders, systems and organisations, each with their own logic and goals. Gaming as a method provides a unique opportunity to become the meta integrator, but needs to be positioned in a concerted effort with data-driven analytics and computer simulation. In this talk, Sebastiaan Meijer provides some frameworks on how this can be done, and illustrates from a set of research and innovation projects from the past two decades.

Profile: Sebastiaan Meijer is full professor of Health Care Logistics at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. He is specialised in simulation, gaming and other participatory methods to capture real-world complexity in innovation processes. His interests are in theory of design of complex adaptive systems and the backbones of society. Working mostly on health care, health prevention and promotion systems, but equally interested in other large-scale questions. He is currently serving as head of department for Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems (MTH), and vice dean for the school of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH).