2024 COESAG | Webinars 2024

Webinars 2024

Webinar – XII

Webinar Topic:

Date: December 20, 2024 (Friday)

Time: 3:00 – 4:05 p.m. (IST)

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/7L4nXQJjoWi7SJGT6

Speaker Name: Mr. Jawahar Bhalla
Principal, JB Engineering Systems, Sydney



Webinar – XI

Webinar Topic:

Date: November 22, 2024 (Friday)

Time: 3:00 – 4:05 p.m. (IST)

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/pt1QXBDkS1gqpUVo6

Speaker Name: Dr. QiQi Zhou
Senior Faculty, Breda University of Applied Sciences, Tilburg, North Brabant,



Webinar – X

Webinar Topic: Ethical Leadership in AI-Supported Simulation Games: Insights from the Lived ESG+ Game Simulator

Date: October 25, 2024 (Friday)

Time: 3:00 – 4:05 p.m. (IST)

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/Y6oHw9ku7UXbAb6v5

Speaker Name: Mr. Ville-Veli Einari Saari
Innovator, Entrepreneur, Economist, Researcher, Simulation designer, AI Specialist,Tornio, Lapland, Finland

Profile: Ville-Veli Einari Saari is an Innovator, Entrepreneur, Economist, Researcher, Simulation Designer, AI Specialist at Tornio, Lapland, Finland. Ville-Veli Einari Saari is a multifaceted professional with extensive experience across multiple domains including entrepreneurship, economics, AI ethics, and simulation design. With an academic background in business and finance from Uppsala University, Ville-Veli has successfully founded and developed various businesses, pioneering innovative approaches in each venture. His current focus lies on ethical AI development and the integration of artificial intelligence in simulation games, aiming to enhance decision-making processes in a sustainable and socially responsible manner.

Key Achievements:

  • Founder of Ville-Veli Oy, a company dedicated to creating ethically sound and sustainable solutions across academia, industry, and society.
  • Co-authored several peer-reviewed scientific articles in astrophysics and metaphysics, contributing to deeper understanding in both fields.
  • Developed and implemented a community-based business models that emphasizes sustainable development and the wise use of AI.
  • Extensive international experience, having held key roles in companies focused on technological innovation and strategic growth.

    Abstract: In this presentation, we will explore the role of innovation, ethics, and wisdom in the realm of simulation games (SG), with a particular focus on their applications in decision-making processes. We will highlight how the Metatron Raindancer Game Simulator embodies these principles through its advanced design and implementation.
    The session will present empirical results from test cases that demonstrate the simulator's effectiveness in various sectors, showcasing its capacity to enhance ethical leadership and facilitate participatory design. By integrating user feedback and leveraging sophisticated tools, we have developed strategies that significantly improve human capacity to use these technologies wisely.
    This approach not only advances practical applications but also contributes to the theoretical framework of simulation games, emphasizing the importance of ethics and user engagement in creating effective and sustainable solutions.

    Webinar – IX

    Webinar Topic: The Impact of AI on Gamification and Serious Games

    Date: September 27, 2024 (Friday)

    Time: 3:00 – 4:05 p.m. (IST)

    YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/mRQ-gIhESR4?feature=share

    Speaker Name: David Wortley
    Vice President of the International Society of Digital Medicine (ISDM) and Founder and CEO of 360in360 Immersive Experiences, United Kingdom

    Profile: David Wortley is CEO & Founder of 360in360 Immersive Experiences and a VP of the International Society of Digital Medicine (ISDM). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Commerce and a global thought leader and innovator on enabling technologies for health, education and the environment. He is on the editorial board of the Digital Medicine Journal. He is an Associate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine and a Visiting Fellow at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at Bournemouth University.
    As the Founding Director of the Serious Games Institute (SGI) at Coventry University, his team established an International Centre of Excellence for Applied Research and Innovation in the field of serious games and immersive technologies for a wide range of applications. His areas of special interest are technologies for preventative healthcare, collaboration, virtual reality and interactive rich media knowledge sharing. He is a professional virtual event facilitator, webinar host and publisher.

    Abstract: This presentation explores the transformative influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on gamification and serious games. AI enhances user engagement, personalizing experiences by adapting content to individual preferences and learning styles. In gamification, AI algorithms analyze user behavior to tailor rewards and challenges, fostering motivation and sustained participation. In serious games, AI-driven narratives and adaptive learning paths offer dynamic and immersive educational experiences, improving outcomes in training and education sectors. The integration of AI in game design also enables sophisticated simulations for skill development, decision-making, and problem-solving. This presentation delves into specific case studies, demonstrating AI's role in creating more effective and engaging gamified environments. Additionally, it addresses the ethical considerations and challenges, such as data privacy and algorithmic bias, associated with AI in gaming. Attendees will gain insights into the current state and future prospects of AI-enhanced gamification and serious games, highlighting its potential and limitations.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence, gamification, serious games, motivation

    Webinar – VIII

    Webinar Topic: Gaming and Simulation for Learning about Green Space Ecosystem Services and Participatory Management

    Date: August 30, 2024 (Friday)

    Time: 3:00 – 4:05 p.m. (IST)

    YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glt3vv4cfxQ

    Speaker Name: Dr. Pongchai Dumrongrojwatthana
    Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok

    Profile: Dr. Pongchai Dumrongrojwatthana is a lecturer-researcher at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. He is an ecologist. His research fields are Integrated Renewable Resource Management using gaming and simulation and Urban Ecology. He has conducted gaming and simulation sessions with diverse group of stakeholders in several renewable resource issues, such as community forest management in Northern Thailand, blue-swimming crab and by-catch management at Kung Kra Baen Bay, Eastern Thailand, rainfed lowland rice landscape and melaleuca forest management in Southern Thailand, and wetland management in Thailand and Lao PDR.

    Abstract: Green spaces are important for biodiversity conservation and the absorption of greenhouse gases. To sustain these spaces, particularly man-made ones, it is necessary to understand their importance and to involve stakeholders in co-design and participatory management. Gaming and simulation (G&S) can be effectively employed with stakeholders prior to the establishment of a green space site. This seminar presents the application of two games: 1) G&S for shared learning about ecosystem services provided by a reforestation site and for participatory management planning, and 2) G&S for shared learning about the co-design of urban green spaces. The results indicated that G&S facilitated a common understanding among participants, supported dialoging to select green space sites to be established, and assisted in monitoring and management plan setting up. Nonetheless, improvements are required in game features, the time allocated, and the number of assistants for effective use.

    Webinar – VII

    Webinar Topic: Development of Simulation Game, “Project PAL” using the SECI Model and Collaborative Learning Methods

    Date: July 26, 2024 (Friday)

    Time: 3:00 – 4:05 p.m. (IST)

    YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/0_RdHukQ1No?feature=share

    Speaker Name: Dr. Nanako Iwasa
    Researcher, Faculty of Education, Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido University

    Profile: Nanako Iwasa, Ph.D. is a doctoral researcher in the Faculty of Education at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan. Her research focuses on indigenous/community education, especially regarding the Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan. She developed a simulation game named “Project PAL” for solving social problems of indigenous people and has adapted the PAL game into various versions focusing on indigenous people in the world. She is presently developing an online platform for a new type of indigenous education by using the S&G concepts and PAL functions.

    Abstract: The Project PAL (the PAL) is an educational simulation game based on the SECI model and uses its four processes of knowledge conversion (Socialization, Externalization, Internalization, and Combination) with the aim of creating new knowledge leading to innovation. The PAL game is a form of active learning with collaborative learning methods and has five game stages reflected from the SECI modes. The game utilizes case studies in indigenous/local communities, and participants role-play as social entrepreneurs who need to find indigenous-centered solutions for their social problems. This presentation introduces (1) the transformation from an existing model (SECI) to the PAL frame game, (2) the PAL version games, and (3) the game functions for creating future visions of indigenous communities.

    Webinar – VI

    Webinar Topic: Citizen Science with Simulation Games

    Date: June 28, 2024 (Friday)

    Time: 3:00 – 4:05 p.m. (IST)

    Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Na_EzuqYtbc

    Speaker Name: Eric Treske
    Owner, intrestik, Bavaria, Germany

    Profile: Eric is a consultant and game developer with his own office called “intrestik – further with gaming”, in Munich, Germany. His professional background is in sociology. He has been using and developing simulation games for over 30 years. He uses simulations games to bring people in dialog about complicated subjects, which they can only solve together. The collective gaming experience leads to a shared understanding, creates the motivation to implement or at least try it once. His content focus lies in mobility and urban development. The participants in the games are politicians, specialist planners or normal citizens.
    For many years, he was spokesman for the German-speaking simulation and gaming association (SAGSAGA) and a member of the ISAGA board.

    Abstract: To this day, experts interpret the data from surveys and participation processes. With the help of simulation games, citizens can do these themselves and thus retain control over the interpretation of their data.

    Webinar – V

    Webinar Topic: Generative AI boosts interactive learning

    Date: May 24, 2024 (Friday)

    Time: 3:00 – 4:05 p.m. (IST)

    YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/D-hE2uGYKfs?feature=share

    Speaker Name: Dr Alexander Schiller
    Consultant, Trainer, Facilitator and Coach, Jena, Germany

    Profile: Dr. Schiller is a habilitated chemist and works now as trainer, coach and facilitator in the public and private sector world-wide. Since 2000, he developed innovative academic teaching at LMU Munich (D), EPF Lausanne (CH), UC Santa Cruz (USA), and University Jena (D, “Lehr- Zertifikat Advanced”, habilitation in 2015, Venia legendi in inorganic chemistry). In addition, he is a “Certified Facilitator” and “Certified Advanced Coach and Team Coach” with The Thiagi Group (thiagi.com) and Transferstärke-Coach by Prof. Axel Koch. His company, Schiller & Mertens, has trained over 17 000 scientists worldwide in hundreds of seminars, coachings, consultings and lectures since 2011 (since 2020 coach in the Planck Academy). Dr. Schiller is a specialist partner of SIMDUSTRY® on business simulation. He cooperates with Progress Consulting in Belgium. He has founded in 2020 the community of practice “Train Together” and Dr. Schiller is a member in Learning & Development Accelerator (LDA). He is offering a train- the-trainer program for scientists becoming trainers. Together with the business training company SIMDUSTRY®, he is facilitating simulation and boardgame-based learnings for medium and big size companies world-wide.
    The DFG Heisenberg fellow Dr. Schiller was a junior professor in inorganic chemistry from 2009 to 2017 (41 publications, h index 24). Dr. Schiller’s experience as researcher and group leader enables him to focus on the real needs of scientists and beyond. Now, Dr. Schiller empowers adults in professional development to solve conflicting issues. He helps participants take what they learn in his trainings and coachings back to their life: “We don't learn from experience, we learn from the reflection on our experience. Learning transfer includes reflecting and changing on knowledge, behavior, and attitude!” Dr. Schiller’s lives also his values: To implement transfer into real life, To interact playfully, To live continuous learning, To respect mindfully, To share with other supporters.

    Abstract: In this session, Dr. Alexander Schiller will delve into the transformative impact of technologies like ChatGPT on gamified interactive learning, highlighting their evolution and significance. The webinar covers practical applications in instructional design, and a live demonstration of ChatGPT's real-time capabilities. Discussions will also address the advantages and potential challenges, such as ethical issues and data privacy, associated with AI in education. The aim is to provide educators with insights on leveraging AI to enhance instructional design and foster a personalized, interactive learning environment.

    Webinar – IV

    Webinar Topic: Where Do Games Fit in Public Policy?

    Date: April 29, 2024 (Monday)

    Time: 3:00 – 4:05 p.m. (IST)

    YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/8kG-_ZunUS4

    Speaker Name: Mr. Bharath M Palavalli,
    Ashoka Fellow, Bengluru, India

    Profile: Bharath designs tools to help make better public policy, using a complex adaptive systems lens. His work spans across areas ranging from inequality, transport, energy, disaster management, urban planning, governance to social protection. In 2012, he co-founded Fields of View, a non-profit research group in India to create these tools. He was elected as an Ashoka Fellow in 2018 for his work in developing tools and methods to allow stakeholders to collaboratively create public policy. He teaches courses upon request in the areas of Tools for Participation in Public Policy, Games as Research Tools, and Data in Public Policy.

    Abstract: Public policy-making is a complex process with multiple stakeholders. Often, these stakeholders have conflicting objectives, and the outcomes are inter-generational and sometimes unintentional. What are the problem areas in such a multi-stakeholder environment that make it ripe for the use of tools such as gaming simulations? Are they stand-along tools? What makes them functional and where do they break? Do they trivialize the nature of the problem? These are a few questions that Bharath will explore in the talk.

    Webinar – III

    Webinar Topic: Capturing the Things We Know, But Professionally Ignore

    Date: March 26, 2024 (Tuesday)

    Time: 3:00 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)

    YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QX9MRjsaGc

    Speaker Name: Prof. Sebastiaan Meijer
    Professor and Vice dean, Division of Health Informatics and Logistics, Head of Department, Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

    Profile: He is a Professor in Health Care Logistics. Sebastiaan Specialised in simulation, gaming and other participatory methods to capture real-world complexity in innovation processes. He also has interests in theory of design of complex adaptive systems and the backbones of society. He is working mostly on health care, health prevention and promotion systems, but equally interested in other large-scale questions. There are more than 170 publications on his name.
    He is also Serving as head of department for Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems (MTH), and vice dean for the school of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH).

    Abstract: Our professional world is organised through different project management systems, decision making structures and management philosophies. In an era of escalating emergencies and existential crises, these systems are increasingly struggling to deal with complexity. Simultaneously, professionals often know what they actually should do. Gaming has a unique role to play here. In this talk, Sebas reflects on how change processes can change themselves with the right tolls and philosophy.

    Webinar – II

    Webinar Topic: Ambient Playfulness and Ubiquitous Play

    Date: February 26, 2024 (Monday)

    Time: Time 03 – 04:05 p.m. (IST)

    YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/o6cJW-Emh1c?feature=share

    Speaker Name: Dr. Tuomas Harviainen,
    Professor of Information Studies and Interactive Media, Tampere University, Finland

    Profile: J. Tuomas Harviainen
    (PhD, MBA) is Professor of Information Studies and Interactive Media at Tampere University, Finland. He is a regional editor for the journal Information Research, and one of the former executive editors of both International Journal of Role Playing, and Simulation & Gaming. Harviainen is a firm believer in that communities of games research should more actively learn about each other.

    Abstract: In this webinar, professor Harviainen will talk about the ways in which gaming and play is all around us in current-day societies, as well as both online and in the physical world. Even though games and play have become massively popular, in many cases people are playing them separated from one another, or in only seeming contact. This is very different from what early scholars of games expected. What does the difference denote, and what could maybe be done to ensure that we learn to play again together more often?

    Webinar – I

    Webinar Topic: Simulation Games: A Bridge between Knowledge and Behaviour

    Date: January 19, 2024 (Friday)

    Time: Time 03:00 to 04:05 p.m. (IST)

    YouTube Link: https://youtube.com/live/y0EXFI12QwE?feature=share

    Speaker Name: Ms. Marieke de Wijse,
    Researcher, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

    Profile: Marieke de Wijse-Van Heeswijk, is PhD researcher at Nijmegen school of Management (Radboud University, the Netherlands). Marieke studies the effects of interventions in and around game simulations on learning/change with participants. Marieke is a member of the ISAGA board (from 2004-2008 and 2021 until now) and community (since 2004) and member of the Dutch ISAGA branch Saganet (since 2004) and NASAGA (since 2020). Marieke was guest editor for the special issue facilitation of simulation games in the Game and Simulation Journal. Marieke was a change and learning consultant and game designer/facilitator for GITP International from 2004 until 2015. From 2015 she started her research on the effects of different facilitation approaches in various types of simulation games. Marieke uses both Qualitative, quantitative and action research methodology and is used to a multidisciplinary research approach taking in perspectives from sociology, organizational sciences, public administration and philosophy.

    Abstract: This webinar will enlighten how simulation games as research and intervention tools can have a role in disseminating knowledge into action. In society knowledge often resides with research and educational institutions and often only poorly finds its way to society. When visiting for instance sustainability conferences we often in high majority researchers but not the policy implementers and organizations that should be working with the recommendations. Why? Science is often perceived as boring (and sometimes it is!) and not understandable (how poor scientist and policy makers often are in their word usage!). How can we solve this? By inviting all stakeholders and people for the community of practitioners to play SGs with us! In this talk ideas, directions and concrete examples are provided how simulation games have been used and can be used in achieving behavioural change in society. Examples are provided on how hospital boards can be prepared for future pandemics, how municipalities and their citizens can overcome environmental challenges and rising cost of energy, how to gain support with SGs for a 10 million budget cut and develop proactive future proof plans. Hope to see you there!